Wednesday, October 22, 2008

69 out of 69 songs identified!!! We did it!!!

Thanks to YouTube users GollyMcCry, olgs73,joemgeek, purplepill67, tezbooze, prankstereses, gazzocca and JeanPop2 and RateYourMusic users ralnar, LucyStardust, Andrupchik, SevenAnd7is27 and uphrates and Lenny Helsing, Mick Capewell, Hugh Dellar and Buffalo Billycan for their help.


  1. Hi,
    Could you re-up the mixes on rapidshare? They have expired and the only mix I was able to get was the 3rd and I have a real hankering to hear those first two.
    Thanks, Collin

  2. Please, please re upload these! This is the only place I've seen this collection.
